SmartDraft Grading Tools: By Polyline return polyline grading tools lost between Land Desktop and Civil 3D:
Edit polyline elevation: Change the elevation of any 2D polyline in the drawing.
Edit polyline datum elevation: Changes 2D polyline elevations by adding or subtracting a specific amount.
Assign polyline elevation: Enter the elevations for selected polylines.
Check for 0 elevation polylines: Select a group of polylines, to check if they have an assigned elevation, if the elevation is zero, prompt for a new elevation.
Offset polyline by Rise/Run: Offset polylines at a calculated distance from the entered elevation interval, rise, and run values.
Offset polyline by slope (%): Offset polylines at a calculated distance from the entered elevation interval, and percentage of slope.
Offset polyline by slope (%) and distance: Offset multiple polylines at a calculated distance from the entered elevation interval, and percentage of slope until it meets the specified distance.
Offset polyline by slope (%) and elevation limit: Offset multiple polylines at a calculated distance from the entered elevation interval, and percentage of slope until it meets the specified elevation.
Change polyline layer by elevation: Change selected polylines to major and minor contour layers at specified elevations.
Edit elevation of polyline: Change the elevation (z) value of selected 2D polylines. Select the polylines in increasing or decreasing elevation order. Command increments the selected polyline’s elevation by the specified interval.
Volume from Polyline (Contours):Current limitations of the calculations. Command assigns each polyline (contour) is fully with the previous polyline. Each polyline must an an area less/greater than the previous polyline. The command does not subtract volumes due to islands in a pond/basin, or hole in a stockpile.