SmartDraft Command List

SmartDraft ToolProduct
VideoSuiteSurveyPConnectHEC-RAS Tools
Setup Panel
Drawing Setup XXXX
Toggle Update Labels – On / Off XXX 
Toggle Label Masking – On / Off XX  
Layer Database XXX 
Purge All XXX 
User Options XXXX
Program Options XXXX
Customization Template Manager XXX 
SmartDraft Information XXXX
SmartDraft About XXX 
SmartDraft Help XXXX
Grading Panel
Elevation LabelX   
Elevation Label Lot Line     
Elevation Label Manual X   
Slope Label One Point X   
Slope Label Two Point X   
Slope Label Manual X   
Spot Elevation X   
Label Contours XX  
Interpolate X   
Interpolate Contours X   
Calculate Slope X   
Adjust Elevation X   
Calculate Elevation X   
Edit Object’s Elevation X   
Slope Symbol X   
Top / Toe of Slope X   
Grading Linetypes X   
Edit Polyline Elevation X   
Edit Polyline Datum Elevation X   
Assign Polyline Elevation X   
Modify Elevations of Feature Lines or 3D Polylines: Absolute Hinge X   
Modify Elevations of Feature Lines or 3D Polylines: Relative Hinge X   
Check for 0 Elevation Polylines X   
Change Polyline Layer at Elevation X   
Offset Polyline by Rise / Run X   
Offset Polyline by Slope (%) X   
Offset Polyline by Slope (%) and Distance X   
Offset Polyline by Slope (%) and Elevation Limit X   
Daylight to Surface (Civil 3D & BricsCAD Pro) X   
Daylight to Surface – Segment (Civil 3D & BricsCAD Pro) X   
Daylight to Surface – Point (Civil 3D & BricsCAD Pro) X   
Solid Cut Surface  C3D Only   
Volume from Polyline (Contours) X   
Extract Contour(s) from a Surface (Civil 3D & BricsCAD Pro) X   
HEC Application Loader *   
Create Sample Lines or Polylines along an Alignment*   
Sample Lines Tool *   
Create HEC-RAS Data*   
Add Sections to a HEC-RAS Project *   
Add River / Reach to a HEC-RAS Project *   
Create HEC-RAS Planview Sections Lines and Labels *   
HEC-RAS Planview Sections Labels: Change Direction *   
HEC-RAS Planview Sections Labels: Change Side *   
Create HEC-RAS Floodplain Lines*   
Create HEC-RAS Cross Sections*   
Create HEC-RAS Water Surface Profile *   
Label HEC-RAS Water Surface Profile *   
Inquiry Panel
Measure AngleXX  
ID PointXX  
Inverse PointXX  
ID ElevationXX  
Length (Add)XX  
List Object XX  
Area by PointXX  
Tangency Report XX  
Labeling Panel
Labeling XX  
Labeling Tags Tool XX  
Labeling Table XX  
Labeling Style Override Toolbar XX  
Labeling Style Manager XX  
Labeling Table Style Manager XX  
ALTA Label XX  
Radial Bearing Label XX  
Crow’s Feet – Automatic XX  
Crow’s Feet – Erase XX  
Crow’s Feet – Manual XX  
Labeling Arrow XX  
Update Label XX  
Dimension XX  
Dimension Truncate XX  
Dimension with Prompt XX  
Dimension without Leader XX  
Dimension Outside XX  
Dimension Arc XX  
– Leaders
Arc Leader XX  
Straight Leader XX  
Arc Leader Variable XX  
Continuation Symbol XX  
Add Arrowhead XX  
Break Symbol XX  
Pipe Crossing Symbol XX  
– Modify Labeling
Rotate Along Arc XX  
Slide Along a Line Segment XX  
Change Bearing Direction XX  
Change Label DirectionXX  
Edit LabelXX  
Reposition LabelXX  
Change Label Precision XX  
Scale Label XX  
– Reference Symbols
Circle, Circle2, Diamond, Hexagon, Keyhole, Oval, Pentagon, Star, Square, and Triangle XX  
– Monuments
Circles (Various Styles) XX  
Squares (Various Styles) XX  
Triangles (Various Styles) XX  
– Other Labeling Commands
Labeling Overrides Toolbar XX  
Labeling Style Manager XX  
Labeling Table Style Manager XX  
– Construction Notes
Constructions NotesXX  
Construction Notes List: Change WidthXX  
Construction Notes List: UpdateXX  
Construction Notes ManagerXX  
Detail Notes XX  
Layer Panel
Make Layer XX  
Layer Type XX  
Layer Thaw XX  
Layer Freeze XX  
Change Layer XX  
Copy to Layer XX  
Move to Point Layer XX  
Isolate Layer XX  
Isolate Restore Layer XX  
Layer Export XX  
Rename Layer XX  
Erase Layer (Objects on a Layer) XX  
Layout Panel
– Blocks
Block and Detail Manager (BKeeper) XX  
Rotate Block (Text) XX  
Scale Block XX  
Count BlockXX  
Update Block XX  
Back to Bylayer XX  
Block Mirror and Rotate XX  
Block Replace / Substitute XX  
Block Create Unnamed XX  
– Draw
Line Tangent to Arc XX  
Line Perpendicular to Line XX  
Line Bisect XX  
Line by Turned or Deflected Angle XX  
Arc Tangent to Line XX  
Arc by Length XX  
Radial Lines XX  
– More Drawing
Reverse Curve XX  
Fillet (Three Lines) XX  
Traverse XX  
Lot Lines XX  
Cul-De-Sac XX  
Knuckle XX  
– Attributes
Attribute Move XX  
Attribute Rotate XX  
Attribute Move and Rotate XX  
Attribute Change XX  
Attribute Edit XX  
Attribute Value Replace XX  
– Parking Spaces
Parking Spaces XX  
Parking Spaces along Polyline XX  
Parking Spaces Count Symbol XX  
Parking Spaces Report XX  
– Offset
Offset Multiple XX  
Offset Current (Both Sides Option) XX  
Offiset Block / Xref XX  
Offset Street XX  
Offset 3D Polyline XX  
– Xref(s)
Xref Open XX  
Xref Attach XX  
Xref Overlay XX  
Xref Overlay Multiple XX  
Xref Match Xclip XX  
Xref Color Screen XX  
– Custom Linetypes
Chainlink, Retaining Wall, Demolition, Abutment XX  
Load Custom Linetypes XX  
– Traffic Tools
Pavement Arrow Symbols XX  
Pavement Words / Symbols XX  
Caution Signs XX  
Warning Signs XX  
Regulatory Signs XX  
Traffic Control Cones XX  
– Modify
Change Length XX  
Change Angle XX  
Break @ XX  
Break @ Distance XX  
Erase Outside XX  
Rotate Align XX  
Rotate ?d and Move XX  
Planview Panel
Alignment Station and Offset Label XX  
Alignment Intersection Label X   
Label Alignment Stationing XX  
Laterals along Alignment XX  
Coordinate Label XX  
Planview Crossing Pipe Label C3D Only   
Planview Structure LabelC3D Only    
Endpoint Ticks XX  
Grid Tick and Label XX  
Grid Label Display Update XX  
Grid Label Reposition  X X  
North Arrow XX  
Barscale XX  
Cross Section Label XX  
Create 3D Polyline from Profile  X   
Create Planview 3D Polyline from Pipe Network  C3D Only   
Points Panel
Point Options XX  
BricsCAD Point Creation Options (v24 only) BCAD OnlyBCAD Only  
Point Manual XX  
Point by Coordinates XX  
Point Calculate Slope XX  
Point Elevation by Slope XX  
Point Elevation at PVI XX  
Point by Setback XX  
Point along Objects XX  
Point at Station and Offset XX  
Points Offset Staking XX  
Traverse XX  
Connect Points with Polyline XX  
Point Group States Manager  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Purge Point Groups   C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Delete Point Groups   C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Point Groups for a Point  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Point Label Style to As Composed for a Point  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Export Description Key Set  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Import Description Key Set  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Point Elevation XX  
Modify Elevations of Points: Absolute Hinge XX  
Modify Elevations of Points: Relative Hinge XX  
Points Report using Surface(s) XX  
Cross Sections from Points  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Station and Offset Report from Points XX  
Point Station and Offset InformationC3D Only  C3D Only  
Point Label XX  
Point Labels Rotation XX  
Point Labels Drag Location Export  C3D Only C3D Only  
Point Labels Drag Location Import  C3D Only C3D Only  
Point Block Extract C3D OnlyC3D OnlyC3D Only 
Point to Spot Label  X  
Label Northing and Easting Difference XX  
Point Coordinate Table XX  
Associate Survey Working Folder (Civil 3D only) C3D Only C3D Only  
Point Merge (Files) XX  
Display who has a Survey Database Open  C3D Only C3D Only  
Point Description Find and Replace XX  
Zoom to Point XX  
Points List Available XX  
List Available Point Numbers in Survey Database C3D Only C3D Only   
Points: Create Selection Set XX  
Convert Survey Points into Drawing Points   C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Import Drawing Points into the Survey Database  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Convert ASCII Point File to Field Book File  C3D OnlyC3D Only   
Convert Land Desktop Points into Civil 3D Points using insertion point C3D Only  C3D Only  
Import XX  
Export XX  
Polylines Panel
– Parcel Tools
Define Parcels XX  
Label Parcels XX  
Create Reports: Closure, and Area XX  
Parcel Inquiry XX  
Area Divide XX  
Area Table XX  
Legal Description from Polyline XX  
Legal Description Style Manager XX  
– PConnect Tools
PConnect Description Key Manager **X 
PConnect Template Manager **X 
Erase Polylines **X 
Erase 3D Polylines **X 
– Polyline Tools
Reverse Direction XXX 
Polyline Change Start Point XXX 
Convert to Tree Line XXX 
Polyline Convert 3D to 2D Polyline XXX 
Polyline Convert 2D to 3D Polyline XXX 
Convert Spline to 3D Polyline XXX 
Convert Survey Feature to 2D Polyline  C3D OnlyC3D Only C3D Only 
Add Vertices XXX 
All Segments to Arcs XXX 
Modify Selected Segment XXX 
Polyline Edit Width XXX 
Edit Polyline Linetype gen to ON XXX 
Polylines Edit Elevation XXX 
Create Polyline by Objects XXX 
Create 3D Polyline XXX 
Create Polyline with Arcs  – Tree or Brush Line XXX 
Join XXX 
Join with Tolerance (Gap) XXX 
Join Quick XXX 
Profile Panel
Define / Edit Profile X   
Label Profile (Station and Elevation)X   
Label Profile (At Station) X   
Label Profile (Alignment Horizontal Geometry Labels)  X   
Label Profile (Alignment Station Intersection)    
Label Profile (Slope) X   
Label Profile (Note)  X   
Label Profile (Profile Line) X   
Profile Labels – Clean X   
Profile Labels – Reset to Home Position X   
Profile Labels – Update X   
Label Profile View X   
Label Profile View – (2 Points) X   
Create Profile View (Profile Grid) X   
Create Profile View Station / Elevation Label X   
Label Alignment (Profile Geometry Data)  X   
Profile from Points or 3D polyline along an Alignment X   
Profile from Polyline – Profile View C3D Only    
Profile Copy and Adjust – Profile View  C3D Only   
Profile from Points along an Alignment C3D Only    
Profile from Polyline – Profile View  C3D Only   
Profile Curb Return X   
Profile Angle, Draw, Inquire, Label, and Pipe X   
Profile Pipe Crossing X   
Profile Pipe Cut Away X   
Profile Calculator X   
Label Section View  C3D Only   
Section View: Draw a Polyline C3D Only    
Section View: Points  C3D Only   
Adjust Pipe Slope / Elevations C3D Only   
Structure RIM Label Profile ViewC3D Only    
Structure Bottom Label Profile View C3D Only   
Crossing Pipe Label Profile View C3D Only   
Profile Pipe Deflection Angle Label  C3D Only   
Draw Single Line Pipe Profile View  C3D Only   
Set Pipe Network Pipe Direction  C3D Only   
Insert a Null Structure into a Pipe Network Profile View  C3D Only   
Text Panel
SmartDraft Font Styles XX  
Load Land Desktop Set Style File (STP File)  C3D Only C3D Only  
Text ParallelXX  
Arc TextXX  
Polyline TextXX  
Add NoteXX  
Edit LabelsXX  
Edit Multiple LabelsXX  
Edit Text PropertiesXX  
Text Online XX  
Sequential Numbering (Lettering)XX  
Adjust NumbersXX  
– Masking Tools
– Prefix / Suffix
Add Prefix / SuffixXX  
Add (), {}. }, <>XX  
Remove Prefix / SuffixXX  
Underscore / Overscore TextXX  
– Text Modify
Copy StringXX  
Swap StringXX  
Text MathematicsXX  
Text RespacingXX  
Text SpacingXX  
Fit TextXX  
Text VerticalXX  
Text HorizontalXX  
Text Align ParallelXX  
Import ASCII TextXX  
Export Text to ASCIIXX  
View Panel
View TwistXX X
View Twist 0XX X
View All (Restore)XX X
View All (Save)XX X
Crosshairs to HorizontalXX X
Crosshairs to 0XX X
Crosshairs Align to ObjectXX X
– Viewports
Viewport MakeX  X
Viewport ZoomX  X
Viewport DivideX  X
Viewport AlignX  X
Viewport Lock (VL)  X  X
Viewport Unlock (VU)  X  X
Viewport Move by IntervalX  X
Move up 1 UnitX  X
Move up 5 UnitsX  X
Move down 1 UnitX  X
Move down 5 UnitsX  X
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