SmartDraft Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions:
1.     Download the latest version
2.     Close all sessions of AutoCAD / BricsCAD
3.     Double-click the SmartDraft 24.exe to start the installation
4.     Select Next > to continue
5.     Select the “I accept the agreement” option
6.     Select Next > to continue
7.     Enter the User Name:  <Enter name >
8.     Enter the Organization name:  <Enter Company Name>
9.     Select Next > to continue
10.   Enter or Browse for the installation destination location.  The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\SmartDraft
(Note:  It is important to make a note of the location.)
11.   Select Next > to continue
Select Components
12.   Select the Masking Block Type you use (Wipeout or Solid)
13. Select the CADD Engine: AutoCAD, BricsCAD, or Both
14.   Select Suite, Survey, or Construction Notes based on the product(s) purchased
(Note: If you are doing a 30-day trial, we suggest you install Suite, so you can experience all of our productivity tools)
14. Check Metric New Drawing Setting File, if your primary unit type is Metric, otherwise leave Unchecked.
14.    Select Next > to continue
15.    Select Install > to start the installation
16.    Select Next > to continue
17.   Select Finish to complete file installation

Load the SmartDraft menu:

Only load one SmartDraft menu based on the product you purchased:
1.     Civil 3D, AutoCAD Map, and AutoCAD 2018 to 2025(if SmartDraft is not already loaded)
Start the AutoCAD product: 
–  Enter the Command: cuiload and then press ENTER (to load the SmartDraft menu)
–  Browse to the SmartDraft installation folder.  

For SmartDraft Suite select and load: SmartSuite.cuix
For SmartDraft Survey select and load: SmartSurvey.cuix
For SmartDraft Construction Notes select and load: SmartCNote.cuix

–  Select the Load button
and / or
2.     BricsCAD v22 to v25 (if SmartDraft is not already loaded)
Start the BricsCAD product: 
–  Enter the Command: cuiload and then press ENTER (to load the SmartDraft menu)
–  Browse to the SmartDraft installation folder.  

For SmartDraft Suite select and load: SmartSuiteBC.cui
For SmartDraft Survey select and load: SmartSurveyBC.cui
For SmartDraft Construction Notes select and load: SmartCNoteBC.cui

–  Select the Load button

Enter the Authorization Code or Import the License file
After the SmartDraft menu is loaded:
For SmartDraft 24 or prior

1.     Open AutoCAD / BricsCAD
2.     Type:  Smartabout
3.     Select the Authorization button
4.     Enter Company/Name:  <Enter Company Name>
5.     Serial Number:  <Enter provided Serial Number>
6.     SmartDraft Product Name: <Enter provided code(s)>
7.     Select OK to close the Authorize dialog
8.     Select OK to close the About dialog
9.     SmartDraft should be authorized and ready to use

For SmartDraft 25 or later

1.     Open AutoCAD / BricsCAD
2.     Type:  Smartabout
3.     Select the Import License button
4.     Locate and Open the provided license file.
5.     Select OK to close the About dialog
6.     SmartDraft should be authorized and ready to use
Installation Resources:
SmartDraft can be customized to better match your company’s CADD Standards.

Customization Guide: The instructions to customize SmartDraft. File locations, names, layer database, etc.

Customization Template Guide: The instructions to create a SmartDraft customization template for your company. The starting point for customization.

Guide to Set New Drawing Settings: The instructions to modify the settings applied to a drawing when first opened with SmartDraft loaded.

Guide TrueType Fonts in SmartDraft: The instruction to use TrueType fonts in the SmartDraft setup.

Guide of Commands by Product: A matrix, with short descriptions of the SmartDraft commands and what is included in each product.

Guide for PConnect: Help file for setup and use of PConnect.

Guide for SmartDraft: The guide for all commands in Suite, Survey, PConnect, HEC-RAS Tools, and Construction Notes.

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